I've turned into an AI Bot! Help!
I'm sorting all my artwork out at the moment and framing the work that I like. There is tons of it unframed. Multiple portfolios, a brimming plan chest and artwork tacked to the walls in my studio. This is fun, I'm in the zone :). On 9th, 10th and 11th September I'm opening the door of my house to the public for the 4th Todmorden Open Studio and we are busy decorating the hallways and turning them into a gallery. I'm doing a kind of retrospective and filling the high ceilinged walls with artwork and illustrations from top to bottom. It will be a Salon d'Art. I feel very blessed and fortunate to live in a house that has plenty of wall space to hang lots of art.
As I am going through the work, it feels like a collection of memories, some I remember, some I had forgotten. The above poster of Andrea the Android made me chuckle. This one goes back to my student days. The hair! That is exactly what my hair looks like now! same cut and colour and everything! Well, my pink is a little more faded and I don't look anything like her (what an evil glint!) and I promise you, I was definitely not a machine when I last checked (although some might disagree there, but I think that theory is a little incomplete).
Anyway, you are all welcome to pop over to mine on those days for a browse and I'll get the kettle ready in case you want a cuppa.