Harriet Quilty Art & Illustration

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Harriet's House Portraits and other Illustrated Gifts

Since lockdown started, which sorrowfully heralded the end to any arty activity on my calendar, I have been steadily building up a new venture painting houses. Which is fortunate because I love painting houses! So it has been an absolute joy every time!

The only problem with selling portraits on my website, though, is that Squarespace don’t make allowances for any extras, such as furry companions. I also had this idea that, for anyone who was interested, I could also print bags, coasters and placemats of the house as an extra for gifts (for example, to a daughter who has left home and is a bit homesick).

But never fear, Etsy is here! Thankfully, Etsy is very hot on any requirements such as these, in fact, choices could go on forever, but hopefully I have added the most applicable ones for your needs.

If you are reading this and would like me to paint your house, boat, wigwam, and not just for you, but as a gift for a loved one, you can still order from the Shop section here on my site. But if you want any of those extras, or indeed, anything else that I could tweak the dropdown menu for but haven’t thought of, then visit my Etsy shop right here and go to the featured items: https://www.etsy.com/shop/HarrietQuilty